Why get certified?

OIX has created a best-of-breed standard for Internet Exchange Providers (IXP OIX-1), Data Center Providers (DC OIX-2) and Edge Data Centers (OIX-3). In conjunction with network carriers, cloud service providers, data centers and IXPs, OIX enables an ecosystem that is mutually beneficial to each of these providers and operators, as well as customers of the provider services.

Attract a new ecosystem

This ecosystem consists of the IXP, carriers and content providers. An increase in carrier options available to the colocation customers in the data center will increase the value of the location.

Public Identification

Being OIX Certified allows you to utilize our certification marks so that the public can easily identify an OIX-1, 2 or 3 Certified location or entity.

New markets or geographies

OIX allows the IXP to expand partnerships amongst multiple data centers as well as furthering their brand or acknowledgement as an industry leader.

Greater selection of options

OIX allows the end customer to have a greater selection of peers, carriers and cloud service providers that previously might not have been available in their data center location.


orange network cables connected to a system


A best-in-class and first ever global certification for Internet Exchange Points.

red network cables connected to a system


A first ever global certification for Data Centers desiring to serve as points of network interconnection.

blue lights from a computer network connection

Edge OIX-3

The premier standard and certification for Edge Data Centers, providing a common framework for identifying Edge Data Center characteristics.


Certification Process

What to expect from the OIX certification process.

Step 1

The certifying entity submits an application and memorandum of understanding (MoU) for either an OIX-1 (Internet Exchange Point) OIX-2 (Data Center) or OIX-3 (Edge Data Center) certification.

Step 2

A representative of OIX will acknowledge the application from @open-ix.org email.

Deadline: Three business days

Process waiting on: OIX

Step 3

The application is vetted for general worthiness. Upon passing, the ED & Board send an invoice.

Deadline: Three business days

Process waiting on: OIX

Step 4

The certifying entity completes payment of the invoice.

Deadline: Not applicable

Process waiting on: Certifying Entity

Step 5

The application is reviewed and any needed information is requested from the certifying entity.

Deadline: Seven business days

Process waiting on: OIX and Certifying Entity

Step 6

After approval the application is sent to all OIX members with a seven-day deadline to contest.

Deadline: Seven business days

Process waiting on: Members

Step 7

After the seven-day waiting period, and once all concerns have been addressed the certifying entity is now considered to be OIX certified.

Deadline: Not applicable

Process waiting on: Committee

Step 8

OIX will contact the certified entity with a welcome package containing branding, contact details for PR collaboration, and other relevant information. The entity will be added to the OIX certification Directory.

Deadline: Three business days

Process waiting on: OIX