Open Access

It is anticipated that the applicants for approval under this standard will include Building Owners, Meet Me Room Operators and Data Center Providers. The party applying must have the right to bring any new network provider into the facility and must be willing to do so on a non-­discriminatory basis. An O­IX approved Data Center must also provide non-discriminatory access to any O­IX approved IXP for a minimum of 12 months after approval subject to available space, power and cooling.


Base Building

Shall designate the fee simple ownership and/or control of the underlying real estate. This entity ultimately controls the right of network entry, but may grant broad and open rights of access to the MMR Operator or Data Center Provider as defined below.

MMR Operator

The entity that controls and operates one or multiple designated Meet Me Rooms (MMRs) in the building.


Internet Exchange Provider is the entity operating the Internet Exchange subject to the IXP requirements published under a separate standard.

Facilities-based Network Provider

The entity that controls and maintains a physical fiber path into a building. Multiple providers may lease or share this fiber.

Data Center Provider

The entity providing space, power, cooling, security and related services to customers, including the IXP.



Customer Benefits

  • Reduced networking and service costs
  • Enhanced data privacy and protection
  • Massive-scale interconnection readiness
  • Customer-influenced governance of data center
  • Increased redundancy and resiliency
  • Access to data center engineering community for networking

Data Center Benefits

  • Demonstrates effective facility management
  • Creates constant improvement by adherence to standards
  • Better product performance
  • Wider market opportunities
  • Listing in the OIX Certified Directory
  • Use of the OIX-2 service marks for marketing

Certification Requirements

OIX-2 Certification is open to any data center operator who wants to facilitate massive-scale interconnection between networks while adhering to community-developed standards.

Table 1

Physical Requirements

Standards and Exceptions
01.Utility Feeds

Minimum two separate utility feeds from separate serving substations.

Single Utility Feed (Please see Generator Standard as defined below in Physical Requirements).

02.Utility Transformers


N with uptream dual fed ATO

03.Water Sources

None required if using 100% DX cooling. Minimum 2 municipal or 1 municipal plus onsite storage or 12 hours run time at full data center load

None required if using 100% DX cooling. 1 municipal water feed with 4 hours onsite storage capacity and two delivery contracts if water based cooling

04.Network Access

At least two diverse points of underground fiber optic entry with continuity directly to the building or campus from the curb and gutter to the on-site property conduit system serving the Data Center space housing the customers. Building must be operated in a carrier neutral manner and building owner must provide non-discriminatory access to all providers seeking to enter.

05.Meet Me Room (MMR)

MMR must be secure with access limited to MMR A11:B11 or Data Center provider. Any other parties’ access must be logged, escorted and auditable. Pricing must be offered to the OIX exchange and the participants of the exchange for all interconnection types on a fair, reasonable, open and non-discriminatory basis.

06.Interconnection Service Delivery

All Interconnection services delivered or canceled in an MMR within no greater than 5 business days from order placement so long as adequate existing infrastructure is available.


Minimum of N+1 generating capacity for critical load, cooling, and life safety with on-site fuel storage for a minimum 24 hours at full load.

Fuel Storage and hold time may be reduced if physical limitations prevent storage, and a minimum of two supply contracts are in place. N generators may be used if the facility has dual feeds and a history of utility reliability.


A&B UPS Systems with separate UPS rooms and distribution.

Single UPS system if critical network gear is also powered by an A/B DC plant located in a room physically diverse from the UPS.


N+1 Capacity on all cooling systems; on site water storage supply capable of at least 24 hours continued operation if water is required in cooling process. A single pipe loop is acceptable with isolation valves to and single component.

N Capacity with appropriate load reduction and/or curtailment procedures.

010.Floor Load

150lb psf floor loading in either raised floor or VCT tile environment. Appropriate load distribution to handle fully loaded 42+U racks of Switch/Routers.

As low as 60 psf loading with appropriate equipment installation standards and monitoring.

011.Flood Zone

Outside of the FEMA 100 year flood zone.

Within FEMA 100 year flood zone with appropriate mitigation plan to access the facility during an event.

012.Seismic Zone

Building must comply with current seismic requirements for zone in which it is located. Racks supporting critical infrastructure (UPS and switchgear) and IXP gear should be seismically isolated and supported.

Older building that conformed to seismic requirements at the time that it was built and is "grandfathered in." Racks supporting critical infrastructure (UPS and switchgear) and IXP gear should be seismically isolated and supported.

013.Extreme Weather Zone

Building must comply with current wind requirements for mission critical structures. Inclusive in this requirement is acceptable wind shear loading on walls and roof structures. All facilities in these zones must have a staff and supply plan in the event a weather related storm could impact the facility.

Older building that conformed to wind requirements at the time that it was built and is "grandfathered in." All facilities in these zones must have a staff and supply plan in the event a weather related storm could impact the facility.

014.Adjacent Transportation

Shall not be beneath a final approach path within 2 miles of a major airport, no within 1/4 mile of a freight railway.

Exceptions for legacy or existing facilities.

015.Adjacent Hazards

No high risk occupancies (Refinery, Chemical Plant, Hazardous Manufacturing Facility, etc.) within 1⁄4 mile.

016.Fire Protection

Pre-action or gas suppression in all equipment areas; Central alarm system linked to fire department; Firefighting procedures handbook.

No wet pipe over critical infrastructure and customer gear. Other fire suppression conforming to code requirements with minimal risk to customer equipment if discharged. Central alarm system linked to fire department; Firefighting procedures handbook.


At least dual factor authentication for entrance; network and central systems areas restricted access including anti tailgating devices and security cameras with at least 24 hours of data retention.

018.Building Management System

Building shall have an automation system that monitors and provides alarming for the following:

  • Utility Power
  • UPS
  • Generator
  • Cooling Plant
  • Supply Air Temperature
  • Security Cameras

24 x 7 staffing with appropriate “watch” log.

Table 2

Operational Requirements

Standards and Exceptions

Facility must have a coordinated and properly communicated set of rules governing facility use, access/security, construction and shipping/receiving of materials.


All facilities must comply with local, state and federal licensing and regulatory requirements as needed for the locale they are located in.


All power and cooling systems must be commissioned during the start-up phase and commissioning documents must be maintained and available for inspection.

Facilities with a five year successful track record, including no failures of back-up systems under load conditions.


Facilities must be able to demonstrate with logs that all power and cooling systems are maintained in accordance with manufacturers standard procedures or such alternate procedures as are fully documented. Generators must be tested at least once a month and power systems shall be tested under load at least once a year.

05.Operating Procedures

Facility shall have well documented operating procedures defining role and responsibility of facility staff, regular processes, and emergency response.

06.Hours of Operation

24/7 access with facility staff or security staff. Access to customer equipment must be made available no later than 30 minutes after arrival.

Security staff only outside of business hours.

07.Change Management

Facility shall establish and maintain change management procedures, including defining what items will be communicated to facility users and the time frame and method of such communications.

08.Workflow Management

Facility shall have an automated ticketing system to manage workflow such as new installation, tenant requests, change management, break/fix, etc.

09.Disaster Plan

All facilities must have an up to date disaster support plan to assure uptime of the facility.


All facilities must have adequate NOC and call center services to assure open communication with the customers housed within the facility.

Legacy facilities without NOC or onsite call centers may utilize an alternate notification system, but that system must be clearly communicated to all parties.


Facility shall state what, if any compliance programs (SSAE 16 Type1/Type2; PCI, etc). are in place. Adopted controls, compliance reports, deficiency reports, and other relevant documentation must be promptly provided to customers.

Compliance programs are not required.

012.Environmental Compliance

Facility shall maintain all required licenses for storage of fuel and other regulated chemicals. Facility shall have a licensed Environmental contractor on retainer. Facility shall have appropriate programs for recycling and disposal and shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws governing disposal.

013.Energy Conservation

Facilities are encouraged to conserve energy and must present supporting evidence of such plans.

Additional Documentation

Data Center Technical Standards

Recommended standards and guidance for acceptable exceptions for pre-existing facilities.

Memorandum of Understanding

Our MoU to be submitted with any application.

OIX-2 HIPPA Crosswalk

In the world of Health Information Technology, compliance with the HIPAA regulations is in the forefront for both large and small healthcare organizations.

Certification Benefits

Find out more about the benefits of becoming OIX-2 data Center Certified.


Data Center Application Pricing

Each building should have a separate application, but, in coordination with OIX, payment by a single wire may be sent for all of the buildings combined. Certifications are for a one year term.

1-2 Locations

$5,000 USD

Annually, per location

3-4 Locations

$4,000 USD

Annually, per location

5+ Locations

$3,000 USD

Annually, per location

Approval/Exceptions/Conditional Approval

Applicants shall submit a summary application noting compliance with requirements. Requested exceptions shall be clearly called out and noted as to whether they are within or outside of the range of acceptable exceptions noted herein. Applicants must understand that this is primarily a self reporting standard and that it is incumbent upon the provider to be honest and forthcoming in their submissions. The Application will be provided to IXP Operators seeking approval for individual facilities and it is incumbent upon them to conduct their own due diligence and validate capabilities.

The board reserves the right to revoke any approvals based on factually incorrect submissions. Research, Educational Institutions, and certain "good of the Internet" facilities may be granted blanket waivers based on the approval of the Board.